U-B Hollywood/The Boss

Founder/Executive Producer

U-B Hollywood Entertainment


The objective of this company is the author’s and founder’s idea of his contribution to the development of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria, and Africa at large in the entertainment front where he has one or two things to do differently from the popular approach here. The idea has many divisions which can be developed one department at a time, according to availability of funds. It will help educate, develop, and involve the youth in different areas (full spectrum) of entertainment such as:

  • Music Recording Studio
  •  Film/Video Pre And Post Production Studios
  •  Rental Department for Film/Video Equipment
  •  Rental Department for DJ/Band Equipment
  •  Product and Services Distribution Network*
  •  Artists Development and Management Network*
  •  Import And Export of Related Merchandise and Services



This will be a very important component of our project. The genesis of it shall involve the careful planning and execution of auditions for different areas of entertainment such as:

Singers, dancers, musicians, comedians, actors, actresses, and models etc.

The main project shall see the construction of a lightweight but elegant studio complex, for Music/Video/Film/TV productions with the existing equipment that have been shipped to Nigeria from the United States of America. However, the operation is going to start in a rental space in Uyo, the capital city of Akwa Ibom State. The bigger picture is to eventually develop “The Project Future” into a Mini–Universal Studios like in Hollywood, California.

The Nigerian operation is a satellite or branch of the Hollywood headquarters in the United States. That is why most of our artist (the best ones) would have the advantage of being invited to perform internationally and take part in events that would help expand their careers.

The start of the Nigerian/African operation will feature the release of our finished music CD, “Soukous Hollywood – Back to Africa” which was produced in Hollywood, California, which is the headquarters of U-B Hollywood Entertainment. And that’s where U-B Hollywood, “The Boss” and founder, discovered his passion and brand.


The goal here is to provide training in entertainment and related field like computer operations to our youths. In addition to the above features, we would guide interested candidates through proper voice over, vocal, and singing techniques, acting, comic, DJs and MCs, etc. With proper guidance and directions, our youths may be encouraged to stay off the streets and become productive to themselves, the community and the society at large.